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These are the items you should thoroughly inspect on the final inspection day:

  • electrical switchboard

  • gas meter

  • telephone line

  • letter box

  • door bell

  • light fixtures including pendants

  • water taps and mixers (check outside for hose taps as well)

  • tap spouts

  • water filtration system

  • plugs for sinks and basins

  • laundry tub

  • washing machine taps

  • sinks (check that don’t leak)

  • toilets (check that flush)

  • door handles

  • window dressings

  • landscaping features (properly maintained)

  • shower rose and hand shower

  • exhaust fans

  • ceiling fans

  • stove / cooktop / oven

  • dishwasher

  • air conditioner

  • evaporative cooler

  • heating unit

  • hot water service

  • pool pump

  • spa

  • garage door (check that works + remote)

  • smoke detectors

  • rubbish bins (check that present and in good condition)

  • door locks

  • window locks

  • curtains

  • blinds

  • home telephone

  • any items that may have been governed as part of the sale including display furniture.

It’s a bigger list than you think isn’t it? But all of these elements of a home can be expensive to repair if they’re not in order from day one.


The short answer is no, you don’t have to do a final inspection. However, it is recommended. You have the right to conduct an inspection to ensure that nothing in the house has changed since your last inspection before signing the contract.

Once settlement has happened and they keys have been handed over, you are unable to go back to sort out niggling issues that may have been picked up at the final inspection.


Experienced solicitors and real estate investors will encourage you not to decline the offer of a final inspection. The reasons you should conduct a final inspection include:

  1. To ensure furnishings and appliances haven’t been removed from the premises. The most common items that are often removed from the premises are appliances like dishwashers, microwaves and telephones. Often light bulbs are removed and batteries are taken out of remote controls. That’s why it’s important to not only check that the fixtures and appliances are still in or on the property, but also that they are in working order.

  2. To ensure nothing is left behind from the previous owner like old furniture or rubbish. You also don’t want them to have forgotten anything precious to them.

  3. Make sure everything is in working order. Items can break down from the date of purchase to settlement. It’s important to have these items fixed before moving in.


Damage to the property can occur when the vendors move out of the property. Walls can be damaged or floors can be scratched. A little bit of wear and tear is to be expected, however, if there is major damage that was not visible when the house was first inspected, or after the building inspection, take photos of the damage and give these to your solicitor.

Your solicitor may be able to negotiate a reduction in the house price or get the vendors to fix the damage. This is why a final inspection is so important. If the damage had been found after settlement, the cost to repair would be from your wallet and that’s not fair to you.


You and anyone who is part of the purchase decision should be conducting the final inspection. Your building inspector would have already checked the state of the property for you during the pre-purchase inspection. They can’t do the final inspection as they don’t know what items were part of the sale price. Having two sets of eyes at the final inspection can be beneficial to ensure nothing is overlooked.

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